Hi from a twenty-two year old (who according to some people look solidly sixteen or if my hair is long, will look like a father of a child)! It's pretty long time since the last day I blogged about something less serious. By the phrase 'less serious' I mean writing about myself.
If Mayans were right with their predictions, then we'll be in the state of going-to-die in just few months. It's very funny to see there are people who still believe in the so-called prophecy when it is obvious to see no Mayans walking around us to tell about it. To those who believe in Allah SWT, there is no time for us to know when is the last day for us to be in this world. In fact, we should spend the time by fulfilling our obligations as the caliph of His on Earth instead of worrying when the apocalypse is going to happen. We should worry about our relationship with Allah SWT more than worrying about our own death.
I am sure lots of you have tonnes of resolutions made on lists for this new year. No? I do not need New Year to come for me to make resolutions. I guess because of the predictability of the New Year where everyone does list of resolutions, they lost the touch of creativity and innovation. True intentions come from your heart and your heart is not timed to New Year to make you realise what do you want to do with your life. The same thing goes to hidayah where it can happen to anyone at anytime. Hopefully, we will always be in His guidance to the right path in this year.
I expect to not to expect things this year. Instead of expecting I will get this and that, I prefer to live the life in its own accord and keep striving to be the best. I know it sounds very 'chicken soup for the soul'-like.
I'll be in my second year of my degree this year. Time flies so fast that I already will be in second year. It was like yesterday that I boarded the Air Asia to Miri with four other C-getters. Last year was both very challenging and enlightening.
It started of normal by keeping myself not to be carried away by the sadness from 2010. As time past, I managed to make myself believe that I was in fact far luckier to be brought to Miri. Although KTJ was by far the most luxurious (food etc) students in Malaysia can get, I was not happy. But the very humble-looking Miri which was the opposite of KTJ seemed to make me happier and happier.
My Kemaman friends know they I always feel very Faidhi-like with them which makes me happy. Unfortunately, none of them are here, even my Facebook daughter who is in Portsmouth! Not to mention the gaga Gong Pauh dictator up there enjoying the winter!
In Curtin I found friends who are just so 'masuk' with my head. I could not thank more to Miqdad who has always been the one brother I will be looking for when I am in trouble, be it to borrow a bike or seeking knowledge of Islam with views that I can relate to.
And of course the Assabiah friends. Ita who has been with me since KTJ became even closer (well, we were not even close to being close in KTJ!). Nabelle has brought me to know a Sarawakian who is so-Semenanjung for the first time. And the boys (Rakin, Shafiq and Acad) are just the most helpful, patient and resourceful people I've ever met. It is because of them I watched an Arsenal match in stadium! That was new.
However, things have gotten better at the end of last year. I was close to few seniors who were of my age and they had been inviting me to stay overnight at their dorms just for fun but I declined few times. But then, I accepted the offer to sleep at their houses for a night. It could not be better.
I should thank Nazri and Mamat who insisted on me to stay in Lambir. Well, there you have it-I stayed there for weeks! I could not forget the musical sounds of Dhimas at night time though.
A frank story to tell- and only those who slept with me only know the secret. I shall not tell one of my weaknesses here but I'm pretty sure Hafiz knew about it when I was in the same room with him. I think Kash knew about 'this' too when the three of us were in Johor Bharu. I give you some clues about the 'this'. 'This' involves light, windows, walls, being in the middle and the most important element is unease feelings inside my heart. Hafiz and Kash might know this straight away. Hafiz knows about it for sure the night it happened and it is guts that tell me that he will not tell anyone about it. It's either wall or in the middle. It's either light on or off. And the curtains.. well it all involves childhood trauma.
In Johor Bharu, there were some drama. But the most important part happened after the JB trip. Maharaja Syafiq might know what is it about.
Well, to wrap up last year in one word I would say this- Alhamdulillah!-The Chukai Insider
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