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Source [HERE]: Ada apa kat dalam ye? |
If you have been following the news (or not), you must at least have catched a glimpse of news headlines saying that the former Menteri Besar of Selangor paid an amount of RM 6,000,000 (6 millions for non-mathematicians) to a landscaping expert to do some renovations to his bungalow. In a simple reply- WOW!
How could you live a life that afford to pay a landscaping guy with a RM6 million? Oh man, where did you get the money from? If we do not know, then we keep guessing and it eventually mar your image. Well, actually your image is already marred, so no need to point finger or doing the explaining.
Having so much money for a Menteri Besar is one thing but the most unacceptable is his ability to live the lives of the riches when he supposedly being the leader of people. How do you live your life when you know that there are poor people living somewhere in your state and you just give some millions to a guy to decorate your house? The cost of living in Selangor is very high, in fact it is the highest in Malaysia. There are many people in dire need of money and yet you channelled them to beautifying your already-a-big-and-beautiful-bungalow! Way to go, politicians! Thank you for taking people's money into your Bali-designed pool. You get tired handling the rakyat, that's why you need the RM6 million home concept, right? Ciannye die..
Don't you think that the RM6 million (damn rich, right?) should be given to the needy makciks and pakciks who have leaked ataps? How many scholarships can be given out with the RM6 millions? How many houses can be built to home the needy? How many orphanages can you sponsor with that much money?
There is a story about our prophet, Nabi Muhammad SAW that I want you to read, Mr Khir Toyo. It is in Bahasa (what's the because? Hahaha, wondering why I put this?), so there is no problem for you to comprehend this.
Pada suatu ketika Rasulullah menjadi imam solat. Dilihat oleh sahabat, pergerakan Baginda antara satu rukun ke satu rukun yang lain amat sukar sekali. Dan mereka mendengar bunyi menggerutup, seolah-olah sendi tubuh Baginda yang mulia itu bergeser antara satu sama lain. Saidina Umar yang tidak tahan melihat keadaan Baginda. Selepas selesai bersembahyang Umar
bertanya: "Ya Rasulullah, kami melihat seolah-olah tuan menanggung penderitaan yang amat berat, tuan sakitkah ya Rasulullah?""Tidak, ya Umar. Alhamdulillah, aku sihat dan segar," balas Baginda."Ya Rasulullah...mengapa setiap kali tuan menggerakkan tubuh, kami mendengar seolah-olah sendi bergeselan pada tubuh tuan? Kami yakin engkau sedang sakit..." desak Umar penuh cemas.Akhirnya Rasulullah mengangkat jubahnya.
Sahabat amat terkejut. Perut baginda yang kempis, kelihatan dililit sehelai kain berisi batu kerikil, buat menahan rasa lapar. Batu kecil itu yang menimbulkan bunyi halus setiap kali Baginda bergerak.
"Ya Rasulullah! Adakah apabila tuan menyatakan lapar dan tidak punya makanan, kami tidak akan mendapatkannya buat tuan?" tanya Umar.
Lalu, Baginda menjawab dengan lembut:
"Tidak sahabatku. Aku tahu, apa pun akan engkau korbankan demi rasulmu. Tetapi apakah akan aku jawab di hadapan Allah nanti, apabila aku sebagai pemimpin, menjadi beban kepada umatnya?"
"Biarlah kelaparan ini sebagai hadiah Allah buatku, agar umatku kelak tidak ada yang kelaparan di dunia ini, lebih-lebih lagi tiada yang kelaparan di akhirat kelak."
How do you live your life not feeling guilty?-The Chukai Insider
No, I have not been reading the news...
ReplyDeleteTeruknya! Mana dia dapat duit tu? You know, I was talking with my friend the other day, and we decided there's no such thing as duit kerajaan. Just duit rakyat yang kita pay tax tu. So patutnya all the tax money should be used for the benefit of the rakyat la...Bukan kita bayar for these people to have mansions and go holidaying in London every other week~
Betul la tu. Kerajaan itu adalah rakyat sepatutnya. Masalahnya politicians jadi politicians to get easy money and power. Tak rasa bersalah ke? Guna duit and enjoy. Padahal ramai orang miskin.
ReplyDeletehurmmm..harap2 la dpt balasan setimpal. kalu court lepas gok die, dok tau lah nok ckp mende.
ReplyDeleteKalu ikut kebiasaan, politicians terlepas. Kalu la ada yang sorang berpangkat besar kena jail, tu baru dapat headlines.