
29 May 2011

10 Videos

I like these songs but that does not mean I enjoyed the scenes in the videos particularly in one of the videos. If you have time, watch or listen to all of them. However, it is to be acknowledged that I don't watch most of these videos, I just like the songs. It consumes you at least 40 minutes to watch all of these. This post is to make me easily watch the videos without going to Youtube every single time. I don't want to download so I put them here. Let me share them with you, especially to those Curtinians who keep calling me Chuk or Chukai which I find awkward to be called so. These songs are dedicated to you guys since I think Curtinians who attended the BBQ just now were rock! Alhamdulillah, I feel blessed to be surrounded with so many kind people in Curtin. By the way, I'm in the process of editing your BBQ photos. Maybe you just went there and eat the delicious meals, but without these people preparing everything from nothing to something, we would have ended up with nothing.  We should thank those who had involved and this photo shows only some of them. One person was sleeping inside the room due to extreme fatigue, maybe. Terima kasih kepada semua yang bertungkus-lumus membuat kerja. 


  1. faidhi,promote blog mak sedara aku jual2,baru nak start. and harga stuff there mmg muroh cause byk outlets kat riyadh (she's in riyadh now). for example, i got a RM1000 COACH for only RM160. So promote la pls,just write down me as the promoter pun dakpe :P

    thanks a bunch!

    p.s. mind the ejaan,ada dua S

  2. p.p.s another point worth mentioning, mak sedara aku ckp dia xmboh ambik untung banyok pun,just for fun je cause she'd enjoy selling the stuff and she loves to have an excuse to shop :)

    so basically, i am asking for ur permission to advertise on this blog la. blog aku x byk traffic sbb private duh :P

  3. Ainul, check your Facebook.


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